To inspire and nurture the human spirit, as together, we build an effective network of individuals and organizations to support a broad spectrum of charitable organizations in Dallas and throughout Texas. Lone Star Monarchs’ (LSM) purpose is exclusively educational and charitable to connect people and enrich lives.
LSM welcomes all people who value our mission. We are committed to inclusive environments of diverse individuals, organizations and communities. We promote volunteerism and a spirit of service.
LSM has no paid employees. All contributions and funds raised go to LSM services and grants for our service partners.
Founders of LSM are Dr. Carla Russo, Joe Russo, Regina Bruce, and John Pickett.

dr. carla russo
Carla Russo, PhD, ND, MSc., RYT
Dr. Carla is a Professor of Integrative and Functional Wellness, and, a Quantum Transformational Life Coach at Zen Wellness Academy. www.DrCarlaRusso.com
In her own words…
“I see inherent goodness, resilience, and wholeness in each individual.. I know that when people are allowed to share and express their unique significance and gifts in the most joyful, passionate, and fulfilling way, they achieve ever-expanding success and prosperity in all areas of their lives. When individuals act from a unique sense of purpose, fueled by passion, I see them collaborating with others in mutually respectful and loving relationships to artfully create a world of magnificent abundance.”
Dr. Carla firmly believes that when God is first in your life, all good things are possible through faith, prayer, and action.
Further, Dr. Carla believes that a life well-lived is one that is remembered by the love, kindness, integrity, humility, compassion, and generosity shown to the earth and all its inhabiting creatures ~ great and small.

Born and raised in a small town in Middle Tennessee. After high school, she moved to Texas and paid her own way 100% through college with scholarships and working at a bank and student teaching.
By all who know Regina — it is agreed that she is a true earth angel whose soul origins have an overarching intention and wish to bring peace, light and love to humanity and all beings in need. Regina’s devotion to Children’s Education & Homelessness, Suicide Prevention, and Women’s Health amongst other humanitarian causes never go unnoticed.
Now retired after 5 years at Price Waterhouse as a tax accountant and 21 years at Bank of America/ Merrill Lynch as a financial advisor specializing in commercial real estate, Regina is wholly committed to the Lone Star Monarchs mission.
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